How to calculate the insured value?

Valable pour :
Les Pays-Bas
Le Royaume-Uni
Geldig voor :
Het Verenigd Koninkrijk
Valid in:
The Netherlands
The United Kingdom

Good to know:

Fixed accessories are covered if you stated them at subscription (in your insured value). Qover-me offers 100€ of coverage on original fixed accessories (that are on the bike purchase invoice). 

Here some exemples of different insured value cases :

Example 1 : I buy a bike for 1000 euros and a lock for 100 euros. The lock is on the bike purchase invoice. In order to insure my bike and the lock, the insured value I should take into account is 1000 euros. The lock is included in the 1000€ because it's a fixed accessories that costs less than 100€ and is on the bike purchase invoice.

Example 2 : I buy a bike for 1000 and a lock of 100 euros. The lock is not on the bike purchase invoice. In order to insure my bike and the lock, the insured limit I should take into account is 1100 €. As it's not on the bike purchase invoice, I need to add it to the insured value.

Example 3 : I buy a bike of 1000 € that I insured for 1000€. Later on, I add 50€ of mudguards on my insured bike and I would like to insured it as well. I have to send a message to Qover in order to change my insured value to 1050€ and calculate the new premium.

Example 4 : I buy a bike for 1000 € and different fixed accessories for 250 €. I buy everything the same day, so all accessories are on the bike invoice. The limited value I should take into account is 1150 € (1000€ + 250€ - 100€ ) in order for my bike and accessories to be insured because the fixed accessories are on the bike purchase invoice and 100€ worth of accessories are included in the insurance for free.

Non-exhaustive list of fixed accessories that can be covered :

  • Mudguards (fixed to the bike)
  • Child seat (fixed to the bike)
  • Lock
  • Basket (fixed to the bike)
  • Bottle cage
  • Bike stand
  • Pannier rack
  • Rear view mirror
  • Lights (fixed to the bike)
  • Bell (fixed to the bike)
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